Quanta Lab offers an exciting and fast carrers in the food safety and testing industry. We have a high retention rate because we love what we do and Quanta Lab offers great compensation and benefits. Some of the benefits include but are not limited to:
Please see the sidebar for all of our open positions. If there are no job openings, send in or fax us your resume so we can have it on file. All letters and resumes should be sent to:
Emmanuel Casasola
Laboratory Manager
9330 Corporate Dr Suite 703
Selma TX, 78154
210651-9271 - Fax
Responsible for managing chemistry operations in an independent food and agriculture analytical laboratory. Must demonstrate management skills. Must be able to interact with customers and ISO 17025 auditors. Position requires a combination of degrees in food science and chemistry. Master of Science degree preferred but other Masters (MA or M.Ag.) will be considered. Salary commensurate on qualifications.